The eID function in business transactions

type: Article

Key technology: The eID function

The electronic proof of identity with the ID card’s eID function offers you and your customers improved online business transactions.

The ID card’s chip ensures that the personal data of the ID card holder, his/her electronic identity (eID), are easily and securely transmitted to your electronic business processes.

With every data transmission via the eID function you receive the personal data of your customers validated by the registration authorities and can process this data in automated form in your systems.

Thanks to consistently correct data your goods and invoices always reach their addressees. This helps you save costs and time, reduces the amount of paper needed and improves your customer service.

At the same time you make an important contribution to protecting your customers from online identity theft and misuse by providing the possibility of using the secure eID function for business transactions with you.

Protecting the electronic identity

There are four security mechanisms protecting your customers’ electronic identities:

  1. The combination of possession (of the ID card) and knowledge (PIN): Only those who are in possession of the identity card and know the PIN code can use the eID function. This two-factor authentication is more secure than the common one-factor authentication with user names and passwords.
  2. The requirements for data transmission: Data are transmitted only if the ID card is connected to the card reader and the PIN has been entered.
  3. Reciprocal identification: Prior to data transmission, your customers clearly see the data you need and that you have the required government authorization to request data. You always receive your customers’ correct data – this creates trust and transparency.
  4. Encryption: Data are transmitted only in encrypted form.

Your eID service on the portal

We invite you to publicize your application(s) for the ID card also on the national ID website. To this end, please get in touch with the contact mentioned below.

Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community
Division DV I 4